6 Jul to 31 Aug, 2022 - Bomba (and surrounds), Pacentro - (Italy)
So, it comes to our final weeks in Abruzzo, this time anyway. Running around and trying to do final catch ups with our friends has worn us out, and we have both come down with chest infections. Not a great way to finish, but the price paid for doing too much, I think.
We apologise to those we had to cancel, and we are so appreciative of the time we got to spend with those that we did squeeze in.
The deal is, we are heading back to Australia for our next season. Our home in Bomba is to be rented out, to a wonderful lady called Minna. She is beginning a new season in her life, and we feel so confident that she and our house are a perfect match. However, this is not the status quo. We will return to Bomba in due course, maybe spending our lives part and part, or something like that. We'll work it out.
This week, though, sees us heading on an adventure. We will travel for some weeks, en route back to the Land Down Under. Please stay tuned as our blog really kicks off again.
In the meantime, here are a few pics of us filling in July and August. Bomba was like a sponge in this period. First it swelled to bursting as holiday makers, as well as family of residents, moved in to most of the homes in town. Parking became near impossible, and reservations were required for the tables in the piazza. Events were organised, the highlight being the gastronomic stalls and bands. We ate stupid quantities of food with friends and neighbours, old and new. Many toasts were proposed, and tears were shed at the thought of saying goodbye. And again, just like a sponge drying out, slowly things returned to how they were. Locals breathed a big sigh at the realisation of a returning Bomba normality.
We could have tried to put up some gathering pictures, but how many pages of us with friends and food could we risk? You know what the scenes look like. Tables spread with copious quantities of plates and bottles, surronded by smiling people you've never seen before raising a glass to the camera.

Clambering on Art
Buonanotte is an abandoned village near our home. A number of art installations are dotted around the village. With Jax and Steve.

Pumping Wine from a Bowser
When you need a good amount of wine, by the litre, drop in to the local Cantina and bring your own container.

Caparezza, Live, Pescara, 2022

Caparezza Raps to the Crowd
Jo joins the Audience Going Big for Caparezza
Jo joins the Audience Going Big for Caparezza
The best thing about the concert was how much the crowd got into it. The atmosphere was amazing.

Our Ceiling Gets the Michelangelo Touch
Our upstairs room received a new paint job, and new colour scheme. Jo had plans for the ceiling, and through a friend, we were introduced to a local artist who came and did an amazing "flourish" in each corner. We love the result.

Bomba Gastronomic Event
There were 14 or so stalls, scattered through the old town of Bomba. All sorts of food and drink choices, and thousands of people. An amazing feeling to find Bomba full, bustling, so alive. The traditional events are returning.

And Bands Played
Even if we had wanted to go home early, it would have been a challenge. Walking through the centro storico on my way to get some food, I came to our house to find musicians set up on the steps.

Jo's Ready to Go
I don't know if she was using us as a distraction to what was about to happen, but she looks like she's having fun.

Jo Descending Past Pacentro
The start was gentle enough, and it meant there was time to take in what was happening. Enjoy the view, and relish the ride.
Setting Off Down the Line

Bring it on!

Bottom of the Zipline, Coming in past Pacentro

The Fearless Six
Myself, Tim, Jo, Kate, Katie, and Paul

Wandering Pacentro
Post zipline, exploring the delightful town of Pacentro.

Neighbours, August
So, Bomba filled up for August with all sorts of Randoms. This household was a combination of some with holiday homes here, and some extended family. Smelling a barbecue on, I peered over our terrace to sticky-beak. I was spotted, conversed with, and minutes later, we were invited in for a drink. Which became a few, some bruschetta, a glass or three of wine, spaghetti ragout, and grappa to chase it all down. We brought some home made chocolate icecream. A memorable dinner indeed... although I do struggle to remember the exact manner in which it wrapped up!
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