20 to 30 Jun, 2022 - Prague, Cheb, Auerbach, Erfurt, Frankfurt, Friedrichsdorf - (Czech, Germany)
With a possible return to Australia looming, it seemed that Jo's birthday was a great excuse to head out of Italy. We started with a bargain flight to Prague, and four days in Czech.

Prague's Beautiful Astronomical Clock
This clock shows: Modern time (24 hours, set on Central European Time) Ancient Bohemian Time (24 hours from sunset every day, so changes day by day) Unequal Hours (when the day and night were divided into 12 each, meaning the length changes day by day, and is different from day to night) Position of sun and moon in sky. How much day / night to expect today, with sunrise and sunset readable. Phase of the moon. The calendar dial shows the day of the month and year, and which zodiac sign is current. And every hour, animated statues of the apostles come out.

Charles Bridge, Prague

Tower Restaurant
Restaurant Zvonice occupies the 7th and 8th floors of a historic Prague tower. A wonderfully decadent way to celebrate Jo's birthday.

Birthday Celebration Dinner

B'n'B View over Cheb

Cheb, from the Tower in Cheb Castle

Wooden Covered Bridge
A delightful bridge, over the Ohře river, in Cheb.

Cheb - Main Square
Cheb in the western part of Czech, was a convenient stop on our journey from Prague to our friends in Germany. Much less touristy than Prague, and consequently much cheaper. Still, though, it oozed charm and character. It was a great town for a night on our journey across.
Many train journeys were appended to each other to allow us to hop across Germany. Each stop was chosen on the basis of catching up with friends. We ate, we laughed, we drank, and we reconnected.

The Kerdermeister building. Our friends, Adam and Annett, occupy a large part of this historic building in the centre of Auerbach. Slowly, they are increasing the number of rooms available for rent in the pension. Adam runs his language school, which at times includes cooking lessons, and these happen here as well. We pray their businesses and endeavours in this building will be truly blessed.

Adam Finds his inner Villain
We hope none of the buttons really bring death and destruction. Unlikely, as it was in a disused historic part of an old brewery, but I guess you never really know. Adam and Annett brought us here on the pretence of doing a tour. What they withheld was the fact that Adam was to be our tour guide. He was contacted and asked if he would do the occasional tour in English - he jumped at the opportunity. This day, it was a private tour.

Tasting Platter of Beers
What better way to finish a brewery tour than with multiple examples of the product.

At the Top of the Church Tower
We ascended the tower for the view. Adam had arranged for us to gain access, at the same time as some of the members of the church also ascended. They set up their music stands, and they played hymns. It was so beautiful in the afternoon light, with the extensive views, with the music pouring out over the town.

Coming down the St Laurentius tower.

Breakfast, Kerkermeister Style

Lake Excursion, with Adam and Annett

Adam's Office
Adam's office, workspace, and classroom. Another beautiful space in the Kerkermeister building.

Krämerbrücke, Erfurt
Known as the Merchant's bridge, it is billed as the "longest series of inhabited buildings on a bridge, in Europe'. Make of that what you will.

Jo in Markt

Frankfurt Dinner
Pork Knuckle and a Schnitzel. That;s the food, not our nick names…

Frankfurt Square
Römerberg timber houses to the left. Frankfurter Römer to the right. Alte Nikolaikirche behind. Fountain of Justice in the middle.

Enjoying a Stein
Town square, Frankfurt, with an afternoon beer. Perfect.

This is what you end up with when you leave taking a photo until it is too dark. With Marlene and Dirk in Friedrichsdorf.
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