19 Apr to 13 May, 2022 - Bomba (and surrounds), Torino - (Italy)

Another Day, Another Photo of Maiella

A Mural for Bomba, Courtesy of Perry
This fantastic portrait of former Bomba resident Silvio Spaventa was completed just in time for his 200th birthday. Current Bomba resident, Perry Sullivan, worked hard to ensure it was ready. I really like the style he has used to honour this former politician and journalist.
It seems there is a clear divide with few taking the middle ground. There are those who are jealous we went to Eurovision, and those who scratch their heads in bewilderment. When it first dawned on us that going to Eurovision was a real possibility, with Italy hosting it for 2022, we investigated. We assumed the opportunity had been missed. We thought we had left it too late. No, we registered, and then forgot. Suddenly, out of the blue, we received an email announcing ticket sales were coming up. On the designated morning, at the prescribed time, the two of us were madly clicking in and out of screens, using multiple devices, watching tickets disappear as soon as we selected them. Obviously thousands of others were doing likewise, as tickets which were all gone came back and then went away again. Suddenly, Jo had two tickets held. A countdown kept us on our toes, with a time required to complete registration, payment, authorisation codes sent to phones and emails, but we did it.

Our Reason for Coming to Turin
Getting tickets was no mean feat. I was in queues on multiple devices, and suddenly Jo had luck on her computer, and we didn't have long to think about if we were happy with the seating or that performance, we just knew if we turned them down, we would be unlikely to get another pair.

Waiting for the Show to Begin
In our seats, Eurovision styled.

We were Rapt with our Seats
Only a few rows back, behind the "green room" on the floor of the arena. Eurovision was an experience so much fuller than any broadcast version could possibly be.

Aussie Aussie Aussie
Sheldon Riley performing, representing Australia in Eurovision. We were astounded at the amount of Australian representation in the crowd. Everywhere we looked, we could pick out Aussie flags. So awesome to see so many out there supporting our entry.

We Loved the Eurovision Staging
While in town, a bit of sight seeing was certainly not out of the question.

Typical Turin

Pink is the New Black
It is hard, sometimes, being such a trend setter.

Mole Antonelliana
The iconic 19th century landmark building of Turin.

Espresso Jo
Taking a break during our visit to the Lavazza Coffee museum.

Lunching on Local Specialities
We found a great atmosphere at a restaurant along a portico. We had come armed with a list of "must try" foods, that a Bomba friend had equipped Jo with. OK, so we didn't try them all, but three of them did find their way on to our table for subsequent demolishing.

Piazza San Carlo in Torino
An atmospheric historical square, surrounded by 17th century Baroque buildings.
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