8 to 25 Nov, 2021 - Bomba, Pennapiedimonte - (Italy)
I am so incredibly proud of my wife. Her initial plan of doing a bit of cooking to raise money for charity, gathered momentum, and grew, to the point where we had 16 people coming for an Indian dinner in our tiny house. We converted our cellar bedroom in to a dining room, with equipment (tables, chairs, cuttlery, crockery) loaned by friends and the bar. She successfully served three courses of Indian/Australian cuisine. It was incredibly perfect. Her reward was a staggering $3000 plus donated, either on the night, or by Facebook followers, to the breast cancer research.

Over $3000 Raised
Jo's Bollywood themed fundraiser.
Post extravaganza, life returned to a bit of regularity for a couple of weeks. We made a little excursion, but spent our time close to Bomba.

Frank, Lee, Jo, and Penny
Happy Birthday, neighbour.
Moon Set Time Lapse
Moon Set Time Lapse

Interesting Formation
Ascending from Pennapiedimonte, this striking rock was worth a small detour.

Enjoying a Break at the Top
High above Pennapiedimonte, on one of the routes up Maiella.
Stunning Time Lapse - Valley of Fog
Stunning Time Lapse - Valley of Fog
The fog did not lift for the whole day. In the time lapse, it takes on a life of its own... The hour of sunrise is condensed in to 1 minute on this video.
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