4 Sep to 4 Oct, 2021 - Bomba (and surrounds), Scanno, Barrea, Parco Nazionale del Gargano, Tornareccio - (Italy)
So sorry about the delay in getting this up. Being a couple of months behind, I won't fill this with any stories, just the pics.
First up, a few days away locally, camping and BnB, to Lago di Scanno and Lago di Barrea. Jo had this one penciled in to our diary ever since she first saw a photo of Lago di Scanno.

Heart Shaped Lago di Scanno
It's neither a particularly long nor strenuous walk to this viewpoint, but we were amazed how many people didn't seem to make it. The number of people on the trail made us ready for a small crowd to be here. In contrast, we had it to ourselves from the time we arrived until we left, 20 minutes later. The changing light, predominantly caused by numerous clouds casting shadows on one part of the lake at a time made it hard to get a nice, even photo.

A Room Literally over the Street in Scanno

Detail from Animatronics
In Chiesa di Santa Maria della Valle, Scanno. This delightful animatronics creation was full of characters going about all sorts of life, with figures everywhere moving to fulfil their tasks.

Church Straddling the Road
Chiesa di Santa Maria dell'Annunziata, on the shores of Lago di Scanno, ensuring that large vehicles have to go around the long way. I'm sure when it was built, the size of the opening over the road might not have been thought of as restrictive to traffic.

Camping at Lago di Barrea
On the shore, with the town of Barrea on the other side. Very pretty at night, too.
Also in September, further south-east, we revisited the coastal area near Vieste. That was a priority after the weather shortened our previous visit.

Trabocco in Puglia
So, it seems that Abruzzo does not hold a monopoly on trabocchi. This one is on Punta Paglianza, not far from Vieste.

Sturdy looking platform ...

Natural Arch, Sfinale

Torre Sfinale

Laghetto Falascone d'Umbra
A small lake, high in the national park, The only patch where light penetrated the dark and shadowed forest.
Finally, a small collection of other pics of September.

We are now Volvo Owners

A Random Piazza
We had some time to kill waiting for some friends, so chose a random nearby town. Treglio, as it turns out, has a lovely little bar on a delightful little piazza.

Some of What We Recovered
The lake level is quite low, so most of the clean up involved dragging out things that are normally well under water. We ended up with a few interesting bottles. Overall, though, we were expecting to find a lot more. This was a pleasant surprise.

Doing Our Bit
With Perry. Down at Lake Bomba. Clean up day.

Mosaics in Tornareccio
Tornareccio is well known in the area for two things. The first is its primary industry, honey. More recently, the town has been decorated with all manner of mosaics. Over the last 15-20 years, artists have provided a range of styles and themes. Unsurprisingly, bees and bee products are common topics.

Lunch on a Trabocco Restaurant
We have included pics of trabocchi before, but with summer coming to an end, we decided we should get a meal slotted in before the restaurants finish for the season. Five courses, and some. Six cold appetisers. Four warm appetisers. A pasta course. Three mains, and three desserts. Wine, coffee and digestivo. All seafood (apart from dessert, naturally).
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